vivica What do you make when you want a really simple meal? I put brown rice (enough for one) and water in my rice cooker, set a tomato in the middle, add olive oil and S&P, then press the cook button. When ready, I mix everything up and then enjoy by itself or with sides.
WJean @vivica I think I saw this recipe on YouTube somewhere. In that video the guy (not vegetarian) tried adding other vegetables and a few pieces of meat into the rice cooker. It worked! My super-easy meal is vegan cheese on toast.
Ice_Pop It’s pasta for me, and my favorite is kale, mushroom, and garlic spaghetti. Another easy one I really like is spaghetti with broccoli, lemon, and chili flakes. I make enough to stretch into extra meals.
Daltjr Pasta here too. I add different vegetables to it. I’m eating more zoodles lately too. They are a pain to make but they are so good. I’m going to try to add kale and mushrooms the next time I make pasta. That sounds delicious!
WJean A Korean market near me sells spicy tofu to-go, including a vegetarian one. Each pack is big enough for a few meals. Good with rice!